the art of illuminated letters book practical guide for calligraphers by timothy noad

The Art of Illuminated Letters

The Art of Illuminated Letters by Timothy Noad and Patricia Seligman, 1994. A popular and influential book, giving a step-by-step guide to twelve historical and contemporary illuminated letters, accompanied by alphabets, gilding and painting techniques.

Islamic angel illumination

Islamic angel

An Angel Messenger, adapted from a 16th century Persian illuminated manuscript of the Shahnama. Painted using traditional Islamic techniques and materials, including lapis lazuli, malachite, vermilion and gold on paper.

A Shamsa illumination

A Shamsa

A Shamsa, or sun motif, based on a 14th century Persian illuminated Hadith manuscript. Painted using traditional Islamic techniques and materials including lapis lazuli, indigo, malachite and gold on paper.